How to play 2 diablo 4 accounts on same computer
How to play 2 diablo 4 accounts on same computer

how to play 2 diablo 4 accounts on same computer

During Family View setup, you'll enter a PIN which can be used to disable family view and gain access to everything again. Steam also provides a feature called Family View, which allows you to select features of Steam (such as chat or forum content) and a list of youngster approved games that should go into your Family Games library. You can manage all the users and computers you have authorized through the Steam application itself. You can share with five other accounts and authorize up to ten computers. If the owner attempts to play a game that someone else is already playing, that user will have to exit the game. Only one person can play a single shared title at a time. One of the best features about Steam's family sharing is that each person gets their own cloud saves, so you don't have to worry about the users who you share with ruining your save data, but there are some limitations. You'll need to do that for each computer you want share with. Once you do that, you will need to click on Settings -> Family -> Family Sharing Library and you should see an account there to share with. The trickiest part of sharing with Steam is you will need to log into the same computer your friend or child has previously logged in to with your Steam account.

How to play 2 diablo 4 accounts on same computer